Minggu, 03 Juni 2012

Management Planning And Control

MANAGEMENT PLANNING AND CONTROL (Perencanaan dan kendali manajemen)

Planning and control management very important for the company , in this multinationals. However, reduction in trade barriers national perennially currency float , risk sovereignty , restriction against sender fund cross-border national differences in national tax system , differences rates interest rate and influence commodity prices and equity mercurial against assets , profit , and capital cost company is variable that complicate management decision. Global competition and fast penyebarn information support the narrowness national differences in practice accounting management. Pressure additional includes among other changes markets and technology growth privatization incentives charge , and performance and coordination operation global through a joint venture and clasps strategic other.

Company in doing control management need planning instrument that can identify factor-faktor relevant in the future , scanning to the environment external and internal. The device helps the company to recognize opportunities and challenges occur. One of the device is analysis wots-up involving its strength and weakness company pertaining to operating environment company. Accountant also will help the planner company to obtain data are beneficial in decision strategic planning.

Then , a decision to do overseas investment is the all-important element in strategy global a multinational corporations. Investment environment risk followed by foreign, complicated, and continuously changing. Formal planning is a necessity and commonly performed in a frame of meantime compare benefits and capital investment are proposed. The difference in legal tax , accounting system , the inflation rate , the risk of nationalizing , a framework of currency , segmenting the market , in a diversion abridgement profit was arrested and differences in their language and culture add the intricacy of elements that seldom encountered in the domestic. Adaption ( customizations ) by the multinational company upon the model of planning investment traditionally has been carried in three areas : ( 1 ) determine the measurements of return that relevant for investment multinationals , ( 2 ) a measure of expectation cash flow , and ( 3 ) calculate capital cost of the multinational company.

A manager shall determine return rate relevant to mengalisis chance foreign investment. However , return rate is a relevant points of view : project foreign or a company. The returns of two this perspective can differ significantly as some things : ( 1 ) restriction by government on repatriation as profit and capital , ( 2 ) the cost permit , royalt , and other payment that is profit to induk company but is a burden to subsidiary ; ( 3 ) the difference the national inflation rate , and ( 4 ) change foreign exchange rate , and ( 5 ) the difference tax .
Money managers have meet many of the purposes by giving response to group investors and noninvestor in organizations and in their environment. If foreign investment unpromising return that has been adjusted risk whose value more than return obtained competitors local , then shareholders induk company will be better to invest directly in.


The determination of the business model was an image of big , and consisting of formulations , and evaluating the implementation of the long term business plan an enterprise .
It includes four main dimensions :
  1. Acknowledges factor-faktor main relevant company to progress in the future .
  2. Formulate a technique that is adequate to forecast of future developments and analyzing company ability to conform or make use of the development .
  3. Develop data sources to support pilihn-pilihan stratrgis .
  4. Certain methods menstranslasikan menjaid serangkain the act of being specific .
A system is applicable to collect information over competitors and the market conditions. Good competitors and the market conditions analyzed to see influence both against notch competition and profitability company. Inputs obtained from this analysis used to plan measurements that diguankan to defend or enlarge market share or you , to know and make use of new products and occasion market. One of the device is analysis wots-up. This analysis concerning strength and weakness company pertaining to environtment operations of the firm. This technique help management in generates a series of a viable strategy.

There are several procedure to determine capital structure optimum of an enterprise , measuring capital cost an enterprise , and evaluate an alternative investai based on condition uncertainty. Rules the decision to investment options generally need pendiskontoan cash flows are investment has been adjusted for risk based on interest rates adequate : weighted average coal capital cost company.


If investment abroad be evaluated use the model of cash flow terdiskonto , the discount rate proper must be developed. The theory of capital meantime specifically use of capital cost the company is as the level of that disconto ; thus a project should produce at least return equal to the capital cost the company to may be accepted. Level that it is related to the proportion of debt and equity in the structure of corporate finance are :
ka = weighted average coal capital cost ( after taxes )
ke = the cost of equity
Ki = cost utan before taxes
E = equity value of the company
D = the value of debts of the company
S = value of the company 's capital structure ( e d )
T = marginal tax rates

Similar problems are related to the measurement of the components of an average debt capital cost. In a country , cost effective interest rate debt is multiplied by ( 1-t ) because its flowers are commonly load that can be deducted for tax.

The information systems all over the world belonging to a corporation is crucial thing in support of the corporate strategy , including the planning process. This task challenge , because a fundamental framework multinational naturally more complicated than a fundamental framework country .
Information management and hiperinflation. Fas no.52 , obliging translasi temporal , use the method of as explained upon before , when doing translation of sccounts affiliated company that is in foreign lingkungan berinfliasi high. Despite provisions of a kind and fas no.52 national provides guidance are beneficial in neyusun report currency hard , the provisions are not meet information needs of companies operating in countries with high inflation.
In the environment high inflation , the financial statement is in accordance with fas 52 tending to evoke distortions of reality through :
  • more judging or assessing less income and load
  • reported profits or losses translasi big is difficult tobe interpretation
  • mendistorsikan comparison performance antarwaktu .
Issues in financial control
Control system management aimed at achieving purpose company with the most effective way and most efficient. Otherwise system financial control system is quantitative measurement and communication that facilitates control includes : ( 1 ) communication tujaun-tujuan financial properly in organization , ( 2 ) memeperinci criteria and standards in performance evaluation , ( 3 ) overseeing the performance , and ( 4 ) communicate deviation between the performance actual and plan to parties is responsible. Financial control system strong allow management puncak to focus attention on the subsidiary that leads to goals common . Control system consisting of operational policy and finance , reporting internal structure , budget operation and guide procedures consistent with its purpose management summit .

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